Top Four Advantages of Implementing ISO 27001

As the risk associated with cyber-attacks and data breaches continues to increase, information security has become a critical issue for every business. A strategic approach should help defend against external attacks and common internal threats such as accidental breaches and human error. ISO 27001 is the internationally recognized standard for information security. It sets out the policies and procedures you need to protect data and manage sensitive information.

ISO 27001 helps you identify, prevent and address risks. You can demonstrate your business with the systems and controls in place to combat any threats to your data integrity. This systematic approach consists of people, processes, and technology that help you protect and manage all your firm’s information through risk management.

ISO 27001 focuses on protecting three main aspects of information:

• Confidentiality

Confidentiality means the information is unavailable or disclosed to unauthorized people, entities, or processes.

• Integrity

Integrity means that the information is complete, accurate, and protected from corruption.

• Availability

Availability refers to the information that is accessible and usable as and when authorized users require it.

Benefits of ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is one of the most popular information security standards in the whole world. The number of certifications growing by more than four hundred and fifty percent in the past ten years. There are multiple benefits of implementing ISO 27001 in your organization.

ISO 27001

To implement ISO 27001, you will need to define a compliant information security management system known as the ISMS. To find the scope of ISMS, you need to define a security policy with associated ISMS policies. Conduct your risk assessments, manage and identify risks and prepare a statement of applicability.

1. Secures your Information

ISO 27001 will help you secure your data in all its form. An ISMS helps to protect all forms of information, whether stored in the form of cloud or digital paper-based.

An ISMS offers a set of procedures and technical and physical controls to protect your confidentiality, availability, and integrity of information.

2. Cost-effective

An ISMS looks to assess and treat risks cost-effectively, ensuring organizations can maximize their return on investments.

The cost of ISO 27001 also depends on the size of your organization, geographical location, a matter of employees, and scope. It is also good to know that not all security controls be implanted immediately in an organization. It doesn’t necessarily have to apply to the entire organization.

3. Protect against risks

Whether the scope of your ISMS covers your whole organization or just the parts that deal with information, ISO 27001 protects against technology-based risks. It also saves us from other common threats, such as poorly informed staff or ineffective procedures.

The standard holistic approach covers the whole organization, not just the IT department. So employees can readily understand risks and embrace security controls as part of their everyday working practices.  

4. Respond to Evolving Threats

An ISMS constantly adapts to changes in the threat environment and, inside the organization, ensuring that information security risks are efficiently manageable over time.

Because certification to ISO 27001 is not mandatory. Not all organizations choose to achieve it. However, there are many benefits to certifications as well as helping you protect your information and comply with legislation.

ISO 27001certification holds a distinct market value by providing clear externally validated proof of your organization’s willingness to meet internationally accepted information security standards.         

Rogue Logics provides in-depth security services for the assessment and protection of your application, data, and infrastructure against potential threats on-prem or in the cloud. Want a consultation with the professionals at Rogue Logics? ontact us and get a free quote.

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