Network Pentesting Services

Discover Rogue Logics’ State of the Art Networking Penetration Testing Services. Explore Rogue Logics' extensive range of penetration testing services designed to fortify your organization's cybersecurity posture.

Firewall Penetration Testing

Safeguard your network with rigorous external penetration tests to identify and rectify vulnerabilities in your firewall setup.

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Network Security Penetration Testing

Secure your internal network infrastructure with targeted assessments to pinpoint and address potential points of attack.

Cloud Computing Penetration Testing

Ensure the security of your cloud-based data with thorough penetration testing tailored for AWS, Azure, and other major providers.

Penetration testing
Web Application Penetration Testing

Enhance the security of your web applications with expertly conducted assessments, covering everything from identity management to client-side security.

Hardware Penetration Testing

Protect your physical endpoints from potential breaches with comprehensive hardware penetration testing services.

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Mobile Penetration Testing

Secure your mobile devices and organizational data with specialized mobile penetration testing for iOS, Android, and other platforms.

Compliance Penetration Testing

Stay compliant with industry regulations such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and NIST through rigorous penetration testing designed to mitigate risks and avoid penalties.

Our Network Pentest Approach

At Rogue Logics, we employ a structured and repeatable methodology to ensure reliable and high-quality findings in every engagement. Our process includes the following steps:

Network Scope

We define the assessment scope, including assets to be tested and any exclusions, ensuring clarity and agreement on testing parameters.

Information Gathering

Using OSINT tools, we gather crucial data such as IP addresses, domains, and potential vulnerabilities to accurately assess risk.

Enumeration and Scanning

We use advanced tools to identify open ports, misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities, laying the groundwork for exploitation.

Attack and Penetration

With careful preparation, we exploit identified vulnerabilities to validate their existence while maintaining network integrity.

Reporting and Documentation

We provide detailed reports tailored to the assessment scope, highlighting vulnerabilities with clear remediation strategies.

Remediation Testing

We also revisit assessments post-patching to validate changes and identify any new vulnerabilities introduced.

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RogueLogics is Your Defense Strength

Forge a strategic alliance with Rogue Logics to elevate your cybersecurity posture and shield your organization from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Our expert team provides cutting-edge solutions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring the protection of your valuable assets, maintaining operational continuity, and preserving your reputation.

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