7 Most Common Cloud-based Cybersecurity Threats To Be Aware Of

Cloud-based cybersecurity is becoming a new talk of the town. What can you do to improve the security of your cloud environment? Continue reading
Thousands Laid Low With Ransomware Attack On Hawaii Company

Ransomware attack on Hawaii company. Hawaii Payroll Services learned that unauthorized users had gained access to its computers and information.
Apple Issues A Warning On An Active Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability On Macs

Apple has issued a security alert to iPhone and Mac customers, stating that it is aware of a zero-day vulnerability that is being actively exploited.
Top 5 Cloud Vulnerabilities You Should Know

The cloud has a highly complex infrastructure. This article will discuss some of the common vulnerabilities and their solutions for your better understanding.
Vulnerabilities Reported In Sage X3 Enterprise Management Software

In the Sage X3 ERP (enterprise resource planning), four security limitations have been uncovered. The researchers discovered them at Rapid7.
Hackers Can Exploit Pre-Installed Samsung Apps to Spy On Users

Hackers can spy on Samsung users. The problem was reported to Samsung’s bug bounty program by one of the company’s security experts.
Critical Flaws Discovered in the Realtek RTL8195A Wi-Fi Module

Researchers have discovered serious flaws in Realtek Wi-Fi modules that a criminal could exploit to achieve elevated privileges on system.